Baby Cribs

How to make a baby comfortable in crib

How to Make a Baby Comfortable in Crib

The crib is very easy to put together and all the parts are marked clearly for your convenience. The wood is very sturdy and the product is very well made.

Now that you have the perfect crib for your little angel here are some clever tricks and tips to help make your baby comfortable in their crib.

How to make a crib bumper without sewing

How to Make a Crib Bumper Without Sewing

If you are like me and you find DIY very difficult and can hardly sew on a button, then this tutorial is for you. When you make these cute crib bumpers it will look like you have spent hours making them, but they are actually so simple to make and will make you feel like you are a DIY superstar even if you have no sewing or DIY experience.

When can you put a blanket in a baby crib

When Can You Put a Blanket in a Baby Crib

Babies are precious little bundles of joy that bring love to their parents’ lives. They come with so many different accessories and rules on what to do and what not to do.

Rules like when to do something or what not to feed them. This can be a very confusing time in a new parent’s life. You might be overwhelmed because of all the contradicting information on the internet.

One of the riskiest times for your child is when they are sleeping. Many new mothers argue about when it is safe to put a blanket in your baby’s crib.

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