How to Sleep Comfortably on the Floor While Pregnant

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As you get further on in your pregnancy you may get the urge to do strange things such as sleeping in places you haven’t before or feeling comfortable in positions you never thought were possible.

There are many reasons why you may be wanting to do these strange things but one of the main reasons is definitely pregnancy hormones. Another is possible because you can’t get comfortable while you’re doing things you normally would, so you’ve decided to switch up your routine a little bit.

Sleeping in a big, bouncy bed is often a lot of people’s dreams but when you’re pregnant, the mind plays wonderful tricks and makes you believe that other things (such as sleeping on the floor) are a better idea. Then there is all the research that supports the strange things you do when you’re having a baby.

While you may think that we’re being crazy and not talking any sense, you may be surprised at the number of pregnant women that sleep on the floor of their bedroom during the various trimesters of their pregnancy. It is very common for these women to want to find out the best way to sleep and sometimes the floor is the best option.

That’s why we have written this article: to inform all you pregnant women and potential parents that sleeping on the floor when you’re having a baby isn’t as uncommon and strange as you think, and it can be comfortable. The only thing you may have to worry about is to sleep safely, no matter where that is in your house – be it the floor or even your bed or sofa.

Sleeping Safely While Pregnant

Your baby’s safety is the main priority when you’re pregnant, so you have to do everything in your care to be as safe as possible. Sleeping is one of the only times during your pregnancy when you won’t be conscious to know what is happening inside your womb and know that the baby is still doing well.​

It may sound simple, but it is essential that you (as a pregnant woman and mother-to-be) find a comfortable place in which you can relax and have a good night’s sleep while also not putting yourself or the baby in danger.

After laying on your side for the first few months of your pregnancy you may find yourself at a bit of a dead-end when it comes to thinking of how to safely sleep whilst you’re having a baby. It’s not always the most practical but sometimes trying out new sleeping positions can help you get a lot more sleep (since you’ll need it before the baby comes!)

How to Sleep Comfortably on the Floor While Pregnant 1

The typical pregnant woman sleeping position is sleeping on your left-hand side. This is so that the major artery that runs under the uterus is not disturbed. By sleeping on your left side while you’re pregnant, you allow for better blood circulation.

However, there are many other sleeping positions that have proven popular for pregnant women, which include sleeping on your back. This is not recommended past four months as it can put pressure on vital organs which can end up causing a mixture of many things such as nausea, headaches, blood pressure, and dizziness.

Many women will change their sleeping position throughout the night, so don’t worry if you’re a heavy sleeper and you move a lot. When you’re heavily pregnant you’re less likely to move a lot anyway and if you do, your body will naturally get you into a more comfortable position when it realizes you’re in an uncomfortable one. Everything to do with your sleep including your sleeping positions is up to you; you should always do what is best for you and your baby.

How to Sleep Comfortably on the Floor While Pregnant 2

Sleeping on the Floor

Surprisingly, sleeping on the floor when pregnant is not a rare occurrence and many women end up doing this; you just have to ensure you do it correctly.

If you’re going to stay on the floor for most of the night, then you should take some pillows and a blanket down with you; it may seem hot when you initially go to bed but you don’t want to wake up in the night really cold. The best part about sleeping on a floor is that your pillow can become a mattress; you can even customize them around your bump and make it a lot more comfortable to sleep.

It may be that you want some protection under your bump and over it but want the actual bump simply laying on the floor. Whatever the most comfortable sleeping position and place are is up to you; just make sure that you’re always safe and your bump is secure for the night.

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